Saudi Arabia is a large country in the Middle East. This country also has a strong influence on life in the world. One of them is because the oil refinery industry is one of the economic sources for Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, the United States is a country with a strong economic influence. This country also has a strong influence in the political and security fields for the life of other countries. On the other hand, each country certainly has an interest in maintaining the sovereignty and economy of their respective countries. This triggers the cooperation carried out by several countries, both in the form of bilateral and multilateral cooperation.
This cooperative relationship also occurs between Saudi Arabia and the United States. The two countries agreed to establish cooperation in various fields such as the economy and defense. Even so, the cooperative relationship between Saudi Arabia and the United States has its ups and downs. This is influenced by the policies of each country’s leaders and the political situation in that country. One of them is the condition of cooperation between Saudi Arabia and the United States when John Biden served as President of the United States.

Previously, Saudi Arabia and the United States had close relations during the leadership of President Donald Trump. However, this began to change under the leadership of John Biden. There are several points of cooperation that have begun to change from the cooperation between Saudi Arabia and the United States. One of them is that President John Biden only wants to negotiate cooperation with King Salman as President of Saudi Arabia. This is in contrast to President Donald Trump who chose to negotiate with the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. Thus, speculation about relations between Saudi Arabia and the United States began to emerge. Changes in cooperation between Saudi Arabia and the United States also include stopping the sale and purchase of weapons between Saudi Arabia and the United States. This happened because President John Biden showed his disapproval of Saudi Arabia’s stance that the Houthi group was considered a terrorist group in Yemen. In addition, the United States also does not agree with Saudi Arabia’s position regarding Yemen. This is what made John Biden decided to temporarily stop the supply of weapons to Saudi Arabia until a peace agreement was reached.
Meanwhile, during the Donald Trump administration, Saudi Arabia and the United States had close cooperation regarding oil refineries. This was represented by the signing of a cooperation between Saudi Arabia and the United States for the construction of a new oil refinery facility in Saudi Arabia. However, this cooperation was slightly strained due to the policy of Saudi Arabia which decided to become the world’s largest exporter. This policy made the price of oil from the United States fall. In its development, Saudi Arabia and the United States discussed more about the Human Rights (HAM) of several countries in the world. This discussion is a new beginning for relations between Saudi Arabia and the United States. The cooperative relationship between Saudi Arabia and the United States will not only have an impact on the two countries. But it also has an impact on other countries. For example, cooperation in the economic field, especially regarding the supply of oil initiated by Saudi Arabia and the United States, will determine the price of oil in the world. This certainly affects oil importing countries. Therefore, the agreement between Saudi Arabia and the United States becomes something important to discuss.